
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Coaching classes! (Part 1)

                         2011 IIT-JEE results blow the whistle and this rat race has begun once again.A rat-race of getting into the prestigious colleges like IIT.Because of it the publicity and advertisements of this so-called-'coaching classes' are once again at peak.Well,calculating the number of coaching classes opened recently in few years will be a hard nut to crack.It is spreading like weeds in a small pond all over the country.
There must be certain reasons because of his immense growth of coaching classes,lets have a look on them first.

  • God forbid me if I'm wrong but the most chief factor of this tremendous growth of coaching classes is due to parental pressure on children.Most of the parents(..yes,well educated :P)are insane about their children doing well,earning grades and getting into a so called prestigious institutes like IIT.Somehow,their extra possessiveness and insecurity favours this growth.

Parental Pressure..!!!

  • There are many myths and false presumptions regarding IIT.Most of the people consider it to be the toughest exam in India which could never be cleared without coaching classes.
  • Lust of earning money as soon as possible make people believe that their lust can be fulfilled completely only if they get into well renowned institutes,which can be possible on via coaching classes.Money oriented people find it easy to compromise their dreams and ambitions just to get into IIT with any of the course they are allotted,I mean any of the branch which they even don't think of in their dreams.
  • Population growth and Unemployment are the baffling problems in India,and in this cut-throat race people are ready to invest their money in coaching classes.(even poor people somehow afford it by various lucrative means provided by such coaching centers)
  • Lack of self-confidence and courage in young generation is also an important factor.Coaching classes can easily make students a 'dependent machine'.Actually,students themselves tend to rely on somebody else to teach them concepts.Students find it difficult to remain active and focused,they want a push from somebody else,and if its not from parents or school side,it requires coaching classes to do so.
  • India is a rural country,no doubt.The teachers in the government schools are never present in school.They run a side business during the day and have tuition's for their own class students in the evening.(it happens in urban areas as well).This so called 'side bussiness' is increasing the growth of coaching classes all the day in day out.
  • Whether I should consider it an asset or not but it no denying the fact that we Indians are good businessmen.We know the tricks to catch the nerves of people.We advertise ourselves according to the way we want.In Indore itself,we have AC class-rooms in coachings' without any proper criteria of attendance.I mean WTF they want from students to do in AC class rooms,off course educations has no such need,basically its a good source of glamorising their place.'Clever Indians' or 'Selfish Indians'..whatever have made coaching classes a good cup of tea for all category of students and therefore it is spreading like a forest fire.
        These are many more reasons of growth of coaching classes  in India at an immense rate.My next post will be regarding the control measures that should be adopted to tackle such problems.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Child Labour-A Shame!

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                        Child labour is ubiquitous, even though it varies in form and degree. A scar on the world’s conscience in the twenty-first century, it is a social evil and a ban against development. Generally, regressive in nature, it is a serious global issue worth paying attention to.Many solutions and remedies are suggested to fight against this baffling problem.

 Childhood is the best time of our lives.A time of love and laughter,of being pampered,time of learning and discovering where our own particular strength lies,describing our ambition and becoming passionate for anything.But the present scenario is different. Children,specially living in a developing countries like India face many difficulties.They are exploited and abused.
Most inhuman and arduous form of child exploitation in India is the age old practice of bonded labour.Fear,guilt,anger,frustration,pain,hate and above all helplessness,these assorted and jumbled feelings numbed their existence.Devastated and shattered they suffered those nightmares alone.Our blooming flowers spreading the fragrance of love,affection and innocence are brutally crushed and blow like dry leaves.All these kinds of exploitation leave scars on the soul of the child which they carry throughout their life. Yes,in India,almost every second child unfortunately goes through this trauma.

According to wikipedia definition,”Child labour refers to the employment of children at regular and sustained labour”.People have many misconceptions regarding it.A child who delivers newspapers before school,helping in the family business and earning pocket money outside the school hours will become a productive member of society.Children working for betterment of their family or the ones  who are earning should not be confused with the ones who are being exploited. Actually these children help support their families,doing labour or working in homes or hazardous industries.But if they constantly battle the storms of hunger and disease ,are denied of basic education and health care or if they face an unrelenting struggle to lead a life of dignity then the issue must not be taken for granted.It should  be treated seriously because this become the root cause of a disease called 'Child Labour' which is spreading like a forest fire in many developing countries.

Causes of an immense increase in Child Labour:

Poverty:Children belonging to poor families are compelled to work to earn their livelihood.This compulsion force them to fall into the never ending black hole of agony and suffering. It forces to take the low remuneration work which results into many social evils.

Families living below poverty line have a huge contribution in increasing the graph of this baffling problem at an immense rate.

Ignorance of the intrinsic value of education.Due of lack of education,girls,they are drawn into prostitution.On the other hand,boys get indulged into pick-pocketing and many others ingenuous tasks.In urban cities children are mostly working in the canteens and restaurants or engaged as domestic servants,picking rags and hawkery goods.Statistics show some 8.5 million children are engaged in unconditional forms of child labour and child abuse issues.

 Family size also plays a major role in this issue.A family with more than 2-3 children are more prone to this kind of issues.Immoral employers make full use of it and exploit children without any mercy.Children are found to be better producers of certain products such as knotted carpets and other such kinds of goods. Hence, these children are hired and exploited to work and produce such types of goods. This is known as “NIMBLE FINGER THEORY”.
In domestic matters, children can be made to work easily and at the low wage. Moreover, the masters can dominate them easily. Thus, the number of children working in households constitutes the major part of child labour.

Solutions And Remedies:
The best way to find solution to this immensely increasing problem is to spread awareness,educate children and their parents as well.Emphasis should also be on education programs for adults,especially women.

Increase adult wages so there is less need for children to work.Probably,this may help children to get a better chance to live and cherish their childhood days.Decreasing the working hours may also help them to contribute their more time in studies and other fun activities.

The working conditions should be improved.Health and safety of children should be ensured.Hazardous and exploitative work such as bonded labour,child sex abuse,child prostitution,military conscription,mining and work that exposes children to toxic substances or extreme temperature conditions should be banned by law and people breaking this law should strictly be punished.

 Our former president of India and a well known scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Azad said, “All of us should feel proud on all literate, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and affluent citizens of the country but it should not be forgotten that such categories of persons are almost surrounded from all corners by large number of people who are poor, illiterate and malnutrition. They make our life comfortable and worth living by hard work of day and night and it may be dangerous to neglect them ….”Stop neglecting them. Instead of employing children as a domestic help,try employing their parents,suggest people to send their children to school.Don't buy products from manufacturers who employ child labour.
Children truly are God's precious gift to mankind.They are born to live and blossom.All we can do is to communicate,be aware and come out of the self made cocoon,come out of the shell of ignorance.Live and let others  live as it is beautifully remarked by Karl A. Menninger,"what is done to children, they will do to society”.

Our former president of India and a well known scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Azad said, “All of us should feel proud on all literate, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and affluent citizens of the country but it should not be forgotten that such categories of persons are almost surrounded from all corners by large number of people who are poor, illiterate and malnutrition. They make our life comfortable and worth living by hard work of day and night and it may be dangerous to neglect them ….”Stop neglecting them. Instead of employing children as a domestic help,try employing their parents,suggest people to send their children to school.Don't buy products from manufacturers who employ child labour.
Children truly are God's precious gift to mankind.They are born to live and blossom.All we can do is to communicate,be aware and come out of the self made cocoon,come out of the shell of ignorance.Live and let others  live as it is beautifully remarked by Karl A. Menninger,"what is done to children, they will do to society”.

Image Courtesy:Google


Saturday, October 16, 2010

A story of farmer and his donkey!

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.The well was deep and dark.The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway,it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him.They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.At first,the donkey didn't realize what was happening and cried horribly.Then to every ones amazement he quited down.
A few shovel loads later,the farmer finally looked down the well.He was astonished at what he saw,with each shovel of dirt that hit his back,the donkey was doing something amazingly.He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,he would shake it off and take a step up,pretty soon everyone was amazed as the donkey steeped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!!

Moral: Life is going to shovel dirt on you,all kinds of dirt.People will criticise you,back stab you,make fun of you and if you try to ignore and tolerate you will definitely find yourself in a more miserable condition.All  you can do is shake it off and take a step up.We can get of the deepest wells just by not stopping,never giving up because what i personally believe is "EACH OF OUR TROUBLES IS ACTUALLY OUR STEPPINGSTONE" towards success and our ambitions.Arrows go forward only after pulling into backward,bullets go forward only after pressing the trigger backward.Each and every human being has to face difficulties and criticism before achieving success in his/her life.Don't be afraid of difficulties because they always push you forward.Accept the challenges.Accept your weaknesses.Always try to overcome from your failures.After every defeat,Re-orient yourself,synergies yourself.Think what went wrong and how you can bring a change into it.And at the end, you will definitely achieve success.All your dreams come you when you have a strong belief in your potential and a faith in your capabilities.Just a little optimism can help us you to cross the hurdles of life and when "Passion" get coupled with "Tenacity" then a person can do any sort of miracles and can achieve whatever he/she expects from his life.
    Image Courtesy:Google
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